Thursday, November 12, 2009

the panther

2 days in a rown now i have seen a my mind
both on my drive to work.
yesterday it had jumped into the middle of the road lunging and sneering at me.
i was still safe though.
today it was sitting upright in the road, watching me.
again, no harm.
though i'd just jot it down incase the meaning reveals itself.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

the hand warmers...

i recently joined this new site called "" where you can go and post your intent for the day, and people will show their support or post comments on your has been a very positive experience.
one of my unspoken intents yesterday was to make a new friend. i felt a little selfish wanting that.
at any rate...last night i had to do 2 tours down in old town. one of our stops is at a little chapel that is open 24/7/365, so we never know what we are gonna find in there.
when i went to check it out, i came upon a homeless man...praying. i explained that we were doing a tour and did he mind if we came in? he, and he waited on a bench outside for us to finish.
during the tour stop i watched him wait, with his bundled bedding, for us to finish. i had been complaining about how cold it was, and i had these hand warmers stuffed in my gloves to keep me semi warm.
as i watched him, i realized he had no gloves! he was all curled up into himself to try and generate some warmth. i immediately got up and gave him my hand warmers.
i found myself saying....i don't need these, would you like them?....
he looked up at me and with tears in his eyes said...thank you!
as i sat and watched him some more, i realized, i wasn't as cold as i thought i was.
and helping him was worth more than making a new friend anyday.
so, i thank you universe for letting me find him.