Monday, February 20, 2012

i hesitate...

a couple months back i saw a vision, unlike many other visions i have had.
let me start by saying that i have struggled with the meaning of life. having been raised a very devout christian and a firmly held belief in what i was taught, i never questioned the meaning of life because it was explained to me and i accepted it. since i am no longer of that religion, i was actually removed from has made me question god, religion, why we are here, the purpose of life. people decide not to want to know the answers, or firmly believe in a religion that tells them the answers but i wanted to know what I thought! what did my intuition tell me. it took me 4 years plus, of pondering and then this is the vision i got.
i was above the earth, viewing it rotate across the universe. i could see the past and how so many people have lived and died and when we die, my question was...where does our energy go? from a scientific viewpoint, i recognized that there can only be so much backup of energy before an implosion. it could not sustain itself anymore. the only way it could sustain itself would be with a divine intervention. a cleansing. i do not believe the creator of this universe would allow this earth to implode!
on the flip side though, the earth just kept barreling forward and life and energy were being recycled, yet at the same time, there was so much evil on the earth that it was dominating the good energy and using it up much more quickly then it could be recycled. and suddenly the earth crashed and ended. perhaps that was the outcome if there were no divine intervention.
i still do not have a conclusion but wanted to share the vision.

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