Wednesday, September 30, 2009

queen elizabeth!

09/01/09...i was driving last week and i felt like a vision was being infused into was a very clear picture with details and names and symbolism. it was about my office manager. i quickly contacted her to tell her about it and low and behold it was an event that happened THAT morning for her. i hadn't talked to her in a week and a half. it had details of where she sat, who she was with, what the meeting was about, why her mother had named her elizabeth, and an odd detail...there was an animal head over the whole scene...turned out she was at "the owl cafe", a cafe here in town that is actually looks like an owl on the outside. (i didn't even know it existed). through symbols i had interpreted WHAT her meeting was about and also, my explanation to her actually helped her interpret some things for herself. it was all very interesting! i am enjoying honing my abilities!i am but a vessel but i have learned to share what happens incase it is for the benefit of the other.

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