Wednesday, September 30, 2009

things i know...

09/30/09.....i KNOW peoples intent before it is apparant to others. i KNOW when people are suffering, or are sick physically or emotionally. i KNOW when poeple are lying. i KNOW that i was pregnant twice and miscarried within the first month of each and what the sex of the the first one was. when i met michael, i KNEW i was gonna marry him someday even though we lived 800 miles apart and i didn't see him for 1 1/2 after i met him.
these KNOWINGS are very different than just knowing something. they FEEL different and i am learninghow to decipher them.
for me these KNOWINGS come to me as fact. there is no hesitation in my consciousness. no doubt or questioning. it just is.
with other "knowings" i feel a skepticism or questioning until it is proven correct. these could be compared to "knowing" 2+2 is 4 but you still have to do the math in your head to verify it....

1 comment:

  1. I love to see you getting in touch with yourself finally! It's sad to see how the fear we had with our religious upbringing kept us from experiencing life. It only took you 30+ years to break free from that, but better late than never!!
